Casino Pauma Wins Again for Southern California Gaming Guide™ Reader’s Choice Awards!
Every year, thousands of casino players fill out ballots online to vote on all 24 Southern California Indian casinos.
The top three winners for the Best Casinos awards are chosen by players each year. Casino patrons love to share their views about where and why they play.
For 2021, Casino Pauma was fortunate to be in the top three for the following categories:
1ST PLACE – Loosest Slots
3RD PLACE – Best Blackjack

Casino Pauma Among Winners of Southern California Gaming Guide™ Reader’s Choice Awards
Every year, thousands of casino players fill out ballots online to vote on all 24 Southern California Indian casinos.
The top three winners for the Best Casinos awards are chosen by players each year. Casino patrons love to share their views about where and why they play.
For 2019, Casino Pauma was fortunate to be in the top three for the following categories:
Loosest Slots
Best Blackjack